Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nimble Forest Creatures

I wish to apologize, because at the moment I am not well enough to elaborate on specific experiences and observations of the past few months.

I can say however, that I was very happy to be back, overjoyed to see the assistants and their families and all the kids that I continue to teach some English to here and there.
My first day in the forest again, walking to the nest, I was literally squealing like an excited little girl to be here again, this place, like coming back to a home.

I can say that there have been some exciting encounters, within and outside of the orangutan world. I was delighted to come upon Jinak with her new baby boy, that we named Joya.
And to find out that Kondor (who the last time I saw was a wild girl having 10 day long or more love affairs and who every male desired) is pregnant for the first time.
And then to see how the each infant has grow so much and how individual they are.

I saw my first tarsier. Very exciting.
And then...drumroll..a clouded leopard was spotted! This is just completely amazing because I had only heard of one other account of actually seeing one in person in the forest. Wisnu, our new manager was searching with assistants Abuk and Idun, and there it was, just lying on the old boardwalk on one of the main transects. And it stayed that way for an hour. The guys stayed at about 50m away but did get one good photo and wow how beautiful.

So the creatures are out and about and everywhere. Like right outside my room, about 5pm every evening I hear these scattering noises in the leaves and then maybe get a glimpse of those little mouse deer scampering around or sometimes just standing there staring. Once, one just stood and watched making these little kick, backwards movements with its front legs. I watched it as one of the cats watched as well.
And the sun bear. He or she has been around quite often, going after our garbage can, sometimes when we are eating dinner and that is about 3m away. He/she literally picks the bin up and takes it to its special spot in the forest.
I only had one sighting of Tony, the monitor lizard. Supposedly he hadn't been around for a long time perhaps because it was dry season, but the day after some heavy rains there he was and I was happy to see him.

And that is all I have in me at the moment because I feel as if there are creatures in my stomache.

Be well and don't give up. This is really happening.

Picture Time:

Mindy and her 3 year-old girl Mawas

Kino (4 year old boy) being cute

Baby Joya sleeping in mamma Jinak's arms while brother Jerry watches
This patch on the ground is actually what I think is a orangutan nest, position 0, very rare

Sunset glow

Kitten climbs my pants

Belu the sun bear
Jip looking satisfied with himself
Tono models orangtuan fecal sample
A new flanged that Cathleen and I named "The Dude"


Idun models the preferred direction to look towards in the forest

Drinking vine water from Akar kalawit..ahhh refreshing!

Dr. Seuss' fuzzy caterpillar

Liana Swing

Joya clings
Leaf frog on lichen
Polka-dotted beetle cluster